A Celebration of Health

Five years ago I came back from an overseas trip with what I thought was the worst case of jetlag ever recorded… So began a 4.5 year recovery journey from chronic fatigue. Some days I doubted if I’d ever leave the house again, let alone travel again; travel was where I came undone, it was a risk, it was an unknown, would I ever do it again? The answer is, yes! Continue reading

exiting the comfort zone

openerA few years ago a friend of mine was heading off on exchange to Denmark for university when she said to me with a smile (and a fair amount of trepidation), “what is wrong with our comfort zones again? Why can’t we stay in them?”. She went on to have a great experience on exchange but I’ve always remembered that moment, it resonated.  Continue reading

skiing? goal achieved!

onskisThe big news is that I went skiing last month. Yep, that’s right, me, the CFS warrior went skiing. Woo hoo! And why haven’t I shouted this from the rooftops and stamped it all over social media? Why haven’t I yelled loudly and proudly about achieving this goal I set two years ago? Well, I wasn’t sure how to explain that I did something as insanely energetic as skiing, yet I still have chronic fatigue… Read on

Progress not Perfection

openerAs a lifelong overachiever one of the hardest things I find with recovery from CFS is acknowledging the slow progress I’m making. I don’t want to improve at turtle-pace I want to wake up recovered. I want to progress in leaps and bounds and achieve things like I used to, glacial pace doesn’t please me at all. The thing is though, with this illness, that’s not how recovery works. Read on